OSA Spotlight on Optics features "Continuous-wave optically pumped green perovskite vertical-cavity surface-emitter"

"Solution-processed semiconductors have come to rival traditional laser materials at visible wavelengths. While most semiconductors are made with complicated and costly deposition methods, perovskites combine the cheap manufacturing process of solution-cast plastics with good optical and electrical properties of inorganic crystals. These features have made perovskites a hot topic in solar cell research and a promising gain material for color-tunable LEDs and lasers. In this paper, Alias and colleagues present the first continuous-wave green perovskite laser."

Read more in OSA Spotlight on Optics

Continuous-wave optically pumped green perovskite vertical-cavity surface-emitter

Mohd Sharizal Alias, Zhixiong Liu, Abdullah Al-Atawi, Tien Khee Ng, Tom Wu, and Boon S. Ooi
Optics Letters, 42(18), 3618-3621 (2017)

DOI: 10.1364/OL.42.003618

HDL: 10754/625445


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Boon Ooi elected a fellow of the Optical Society of America


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