Nature Middle East Research Highlight: "Sifting through cells using heat"

Nanomembrane-Biosensor (1).png

"Laser-beam-induced heat and a nano-wrap reveal heat diffusion patterns in living cells."

"A research team from Saudi Arabia has created a technique that reveals the thermal-transport properties of a living cell, which is potentially useful in identifying the different types of cells including cancer cells."

Read more in Nature Middle East

Nanomembrane-Based, Thermal-Transport Biosensor for Living Cells

Rami T. ElAfandy, Ayman F. AbuElela, Pawan Mishra, Bilal Janjua, Hassan M. Oubei, Ulrich Büttner, Mohammed A. Majid, Tien Khee Ng, Jasmeen S. Merzaban, and Boon S. Ooi
Small, 13(7), 1603080 (2017)

DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603080

HDL: 10754/622092


IEDM 2016 session "Optoelectronic Integration" chaired by Prof. Ooi and Chao Shen presents his work


Prof. Ooi joined the Saudi Arabia convoy in UNFCCC Marrakech Climate Change Conference 2016