Huafan Zhang's tutorial article was selected as an Editor's Pick

"InGaN-based nanowires development for energy harvesting and conversion applications" Tutorial Chosen as an Editor's Pick

Huafan Zhang, a Ph.D. student at KAUST Photonics Laboratory recently published her comprehensive tutorial article in AIP's Journal of Applied Physics. The article titled "InGaN-based nanowires development for energy harvesting and conversion applications" was selected as the Editor's Pick.​

The tutorial "teaches the essential development of nitrogen-plasma-assisted molecular-beam-epitaxy grown InGaN nanowires as an application-inspired platform for energy harvesting and conversion applications by growing dislocation- and strain-relieved axial InGaN-based nanowires."

The article is featured on the Journal's homepage and can be accessed through the link below:​

InGaN NW Energy Harvesting Tutorial Selected as EP.png

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